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In the history of Afghanistan, there have been many mighty rulers and sovereigns, however, one stood out from all of them. He was a pious, patriotic, and merciful man who had all the profound traits of an exceptional leader, and ruled his lands with justice. He not only became the hero of all Afghans but also saved Islam in the subcontinent. In this video, we will go through the chapters of the life of Ahmad Shah Durrani, the Afghan ruler who united the Afghan tribes and became the founder of modern Afghanistan, as well as the father of his nation. Ahmad Shah Durrani Ahmad Khan Abdali was born in Herat, in 1723. He was the son of Zaman Khan, and the grandson of Dawlat Khan. He was from the Pashtun Sadouzai Tribe, a sub tribe of the Abdali Tribe. The story starts in 1732 CE, in Farah, Afghanistan, when Ahmad Khan's older brother, Zulfiqar Khan was defeated by his enemies. Zulfiqar Khan took his younger brother Ahmad Khan...
It was the early 1400's, the Moors had been on a rapid decline due to division, internal strife, and attacks by Christian forces. After King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle united their Spanish kingdoms, they took over Muslim Spain with ease. The year was 1492, and it had been 800 years since Spain had been ruled by non-Muslims. That same year, an Italian explorer named Christopher Columbus pleaded before the king and queen, wishing to embark on a voyage to India, China and Japan for the purpose of finding a new route, which could be a means of trade and riches such silk and spices. However, the king and queen had little faith in him and sent him with the worst of ships, and a crew consisting of released prisoners who knew little to nothing about the sea. No one could ever imagine what Columbus would discover.
Columbus embarks on his journey
Though Columbus would never make it to Asia, he lead to a much more important discovery: the New World, also known as the Americas. Though Columbus never actually stepped foot in the New World, he did step foot on the coast of Haiti. According to the crew's priest, Bartolome De Las Casas, Columbus' initial reaction after seeing the hospitable inhabitants of the region was: "These people are so friendly, they would make wonderful slaves." Just like that, Columbus and his men would soon turn slavery into a world enterprise.
The Columbian Exchange would now begin. Crops, animals, ideas, food, populations and even diseases would be exchanged between the New World and the Old World. The Native Americans had never been used to disease or flues, and so when the Europeans arrived with Influenza and Smallpox, it caused 90% of the Native population to die. Then, in the early 1600's, European superpowers such as Spain, France, and England began colonizing. North America's resources had a part in the profit made from the New World, however, plantations became the backbone of the economy.
At the time, Africa was in chaos. Its kingdoms were in constant war and enslaving each other. It is important to note that Africa had many nationalities, ethnicities, languages, cultures, and traditions. They had many differences and saw one another as outsiders. Thus, the constant warfare wasn't a case of internal strife. On top of that, the continent of Africa had been afflicted by Malaria and Yellow Fever. Africans were familiar with diseases and flues, unlike Indians. And so, enslavers found that they were the perfect option.
Now began the Triangular Trade, a trade which sent African slaves to the Americas; sugar, coffee, tobacco and cotton from Americas to Europe; and textiles, rum, and other manufactured goods from Europe to Africa. Since the Africans were in war with each other, slavery was widespread, as captured prisoners were made slaves. Thus, it was not deemed betrayal when those slaves were sold to Europeans. However, once the warfare came to an end, the cycle of African enslavement, too, was coming to an end. Though, the colonies could not afford this, and began forcing West Africans to kidnap Western Africans and bring them to enslavers to send them to the New World. This may have seemed like a terrible atrocity committed by West Africans, however, it was done at gunpoint. The advantage of this method was that enslavers were kidnapping people who did not understand the area's language or geography and had very limited chances of escaping. And so, a diaspora would soon occur.
The first European country to begin the African Diaspora was Portugal. After Portugal, Britain, France, Germany, and Brazil would follow. The latter would import slaves at an overwhelming rate, as a total of 5 million slaves would be brought in by them in a total of just 15 years. Between 1500 and 1866, roughly about 12.5 million enslaved Africans would be forcibly transported to the Americas through the Middle Passage, about 1.8 million of whom died due to their terrible conditions and were thrown into the Atlantic. Up until the year 1820, five times as many Africans crossed the Atlantic as did the Europeans. The world would be changed forever, and it all happened because of the expedition of Christopher Columbus, that same expedition that no one had faith in.
Konur Alp was a prominent commander who was known for his very commendable military skills during the early stages of the Ottoman Empire. He played a very important role in the conquest of the regions between Akyazi and Anadolu Kavagi. Konur Alp was among Osman Ghazi's closest companions, as well as Orhan Ghazi's greatest comrades. Nevertheless, what do we know about the life of of Konur Alp? Prior to becoming the head of the Kayi Tribe, Osman Ghazi took part in many campaigns and expeditions. During this time, he had a couple of close friends who would accompany him to every place he would go. These close friends of his would be with him in every hardship that he was to face. And so, after decades in accompanying Osman Ghazi in all the raids and battles he would fight in; together, they would establish the Ottoman Empire. These close comrades of his were Turgut Alp, Samsa Cavus, Abdurrahman Ghazi, Aykut Alp, Saltuk Alp, Hasan Alp, Akca Koca, and ...
During the early era of the Ottoman Empire, there were many notable warriors & officials, whose lives were sacrificed for the creation of their state. Unfortunately, not much information remained from the astounding, early Ottoman heroes. Though, among them came a man whose bravery & valor was impressive to the point, that history remembered him during an era in which people were forgotten. He was the grandson of Ertugrul Ghazi, nephew of Osman Ghazi, & eldest son of Gunduz Alp: Aydogdu Bey. Aydogdu Bey's date of birth was estimated to be between 1284 and 1287, near the Byzantine border. He was personally trained by his uncle, Osman, and would grow up to become a very commendable warrior. From a very young age, Aydogdu would take part in many wars & battles along with Osman Ghazi. Osman would in turn, become so fond of his nephew, Aydogdu, that he would even send him as an ambassador to the Seljuq Sultan. The fact that su...
During the early era of the Ottoman Empire, there were many Byzantine lords and commanders that joined the ranks of the Ottomans, even converting to Islam. The first (significant one) among them being Köse Mihal, also known as Mikhael Kosses. In this video we will go over his life, achievements, exploits, and the legacy he left behind. Mikhael Kosses, an ethnic Greek, is believed to have been from the famous Palaiologos Dynasty, which ruled the Byzantine Empire from the years 1259 until its downfall in 1453CE, the longest a dynasty ever ruled the empire. Köse Mihal was the Byzantine governor of the Harmankaya Castle. The Harmankaya Castle was in the Uludag mountains in the foothills of Bilecik, Turkey. After taking part in a battle against Osman Ghazi, alongside the Byzantine governor of Eskisehir, he was captured and taken prisoner. However, he was forgiven by Osman for his valor and heroism. ...
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