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Who was Ahmad Shah Durrani?

    In the history of Afghanistan, there have been many mighty rulers and sovereigns, however, one stood out from all of them. He was a  pious, patriotic, and merciful man who had all the profound traits of an exceptional leader, and ruled his lands with justice. He not only became the hero of all Afghans but also saved Islam in the subcontinent. In this video, we will go through the chapters of the life of Ahmad Shah Durrani, the Afghan ruler who united the Afghan tribes and became the founder of modern Afghanistan, as well as the father of his nation.   Ahmad Shah Durrani      Ahmad Khan Abdali was born in Herat, in 1723. He was the son of Zaman Khan, and the grandson of Dawlat Khan. He was from the Pashtun Sadouzai Tribe, a sub tribe of the Abdali Tribe. The story starts in  1732 CE, in Farah, Afghanistan, when Ahmad Khan's older brother, Zulfiqar Khan was defeated by his enemies. Zulfiqar Khan took his younger brother Ahmad Khan...

Who was Gunduz Bey?

    Grandson of Sulayman Shah, eldest son of Ertugrul Ghazi, loyal brother & supporter of Osman Ghazi, who was Gunduz Alp? Gunduz Alp was among the early Ghazis of the Ottoman Empire, whom had devoted their lives to the establishment of a great state. Moreover, the feats & exploits of Gunduz Alp proved him to be one the fiercest warriors of the Ottomans. Nevertheless, what has history said about the Ottoman hero, Gunduz Alp?

    Gunduz Alp was born in Sogut, in the year 1229. He grew up in the household of Ertugrul Ghazi, as his eldest son; and had the honor & privilege of accompanying him on many campaigns and expeditions. Gunduz proved to be a real branch of support to his father, becoming his close confidant & companion. This sense of responsibly & ambition truly gave Gunduz Alp experience & intellect at a young age.
    Gunduz Bey was said to have been in his mid-twenties in the year 1258, when his youngest brother, Osman I was born. Due to the old age of his parents, Gunduz's brother, Osman, was considered a miracle sent by God. Osman's intelligence, foresight & valor truly made him a very commendable leader. Moreover, Gunduz's father, Ertugrul Ghazi had entrusted the responsibilities of the Kayi Tribe to Osman, making it clear that Osman was destined to become the bey of the tribe. 

    Gunduz Bey was a strong, faithful supporter of his brother, Osman Ghazi. Though, on occasions, there were disagreements between him & Osman. In fact, Gunduz had at first, not accepted Osman's position as the bey of the Kayi Tribe. Moreover, Gunduz & Osman had disagreements on how the tribe should be run, and how they should react to their neighbors. However, the situation & thought of Gunduz Bey was not entirely similar to that of Dundar Bey's. As oppose to the latter (Dundar Bey), Osman Bey knew well that Gunduz had respect & obedience for his authority, despite their difference of opinion. 

    After Osman established the Ottoman State, Gunduz was with him in just about every mission, and was a core layer of support to him. He fought countless battles, and made a name for himself, as one of the Ottoman Empires' fiercest warriors. As a result of Gunduz Alp's loyalty, ability, and service to the Ottoman State, Osman granted him authority over a large region, where he would serve as the Sanjak Bey (governor) of Eskisehir. Not to mention, Gunduz would then have 2 valorous sons: Aydogdu & Aktimur. Like his father, Aydogdu Bey was an excellent warrior, who had his name written among history's most fearsome swordsmen. His younger brother, Aktimur Bey, too, would serve as a talented soldier & government official, during the establishment phase of the Ottoman Empire. And so, the two brothers proved to be worthy of their father, Gunduz Bey, and would most certainly carry on his legacy.

    In 1303, Gunduz Alp would die the honorable death of a martyr, fighting gallantly in battle, sacrificing his life for his nation. He was buried in Inegol, Turkey. Though, an honorary grave was built for him in Sogut, at Ertugrul Ghazi's mausoleum (along with all the other early Ottoman heroes). And today, Gunduz Alp has proven to be a very highly esteemed & respected historical figure, whose legacy will forever remain in the hearts of his people, the soil of his homeland. 

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  1. Excellent history of brave man who fought with honor and and unconditional submission to the creator of all that we can see.


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